
Stormy weather outside made for a great family day inside today. Most of my day was spent with my Wife and kids playing and chatting, but I did manage to get some game development time in as well and accomplished more than I expected.

Game Audio/Sounds

This was my first time ever working with game audio. I was successful at adding game sounds for attacking and receiving damage as well as adding footstep audio and a ‘Wave’ beep/notification to signify the beginning of each wave of enemies. Plenty of tweaking opportunities left, but I didn’t intend to polish any of this and just getting it all working felt great.


This was also my first time ever adding graphics to a game. I’m using existing assets for this tutorial game, but intend to create my own or hire artists for help when developing games using my own ideas and not just following tutorials. That said, I added the graphics for the foliage, grass, and landscape which completely changes the way this game feels, despite it’s extremely basic gameplay. It’s incredible how just a few small changes to the graphics, and audio for that matter, can have such a large impact on how a game feels.


For tomorrow I plan on finishing up the map related graphics and move onto the character graphics for both the player character and the enemies, which will basically bring me to the end of the development for this first tutorial game. Although I may tweak a few things and play around with some settings. 1

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