
Today…well technically yesterday.. I started following a new tutorial on how to make a game using Unreal Engine Blueprints. This one will be a 3rd person adventure game. I expect this may take me a bit longer to complete than the previous game as there’s a lot more involved.

Graphics, Meshes and Mega scans!

Right from the start this tutorial had me using Quixel Bridge from Unreal to download and apply some mega scan 3d assets and meshes. This is my first time really doing any graphical work in the game other than the painting of trees/bushes in the previous tutorial. Both the previous tutorial’s painting down bushes/trees and this new tutorial’s placing and manipulating 3d assets were far easier than I anticipated to just get something basic done.

I used some rock quarry 3d assets and meshes to quickly put together this level. It’s based off the basic ‘UE5’ pre-configured level that loads when you make a new project.


Adding collisions was also as simple as clicking a button in the menu. Again, way easier than I thought it would be to get the basics working. I look forward to learning how to manipulate the collisions to better suite my needs.

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